App UI Design
Movie Theater Ticket UI
- Type of Work: UI/UX Design
- Production Time: 3 days
- Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
Game Information App UI
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Sketch
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
Wallet App UI
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Sketch
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
Game App UI
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Sketch
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
Game Information App
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Sketch, ProtoPie
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
App Guide Page Motion
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Sketch, Principle
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
Online Shop App Motion
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Sketch, Principle
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
Weather App Motion
- Type of Work: UI Design
- Production Time: 1 day
- Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
- Achievements and Involvement: Screen UI design for a mobile app
About Me
Tokyo, Japan
AppUI Design,
WebUI Design,
GameUI Design,
Website Make
Contact Me
+8180-3178-4832 jp
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